Zoe Nightingale

The Unsung Heroes of Hong Kong



When I first got to Hong Kong, the first thing I noticed were thousands of non Chinese women, sitting on cardboard, laughing, drinking, eating, gossiping, having a grand old time. This, looked very very odd. In the middle of a bank metropolis, surrounded by the largest shiniest buildings imaginable, were literally 100,000 women camped out and no one was acting like it was odd. To me, it looked very very odd. First of all, it was all women, and while they seemed happy, it made me feel really confused. I desperately needed to understand what was happening here. So I started asking around and was told since it was a National holiday, all of the domestic helpers were out celebrating. There are 385,000 domestic workers currently in Hong Kong. They make up the literal back bone of society, and also are making up large amounts of the GDP in both Indonesia and the Philippines with the money they are sending back home. All good right? Well, alot of them are not being treated kindly, many of them are being abused, over