Change Already! With Jillian

CHANGE ALREADY, "Dogmatic Religious Thinking Gone BAD"



  Jillian, devastated and heart-broken, breaks her silence and discusses her long-standing relationship with members of the Oak Creek Sikh community.  Sharing intimate details and stories from inside a world not many Christians are privileged to experience “first-hand.”   Jillian credits this Soul Group for expanding her vision from a mid-western myopic view of Christianity of tolerance to a world view of spiritual acceptance for all.   Jillian Maas Backman, an award-winning author “Beyond the Pews:  Breaking with Tradition and Letting Go of Religious Lockdown” suggests that the violence visited by the Sikh Temple is the result of "dogmatic religious thinking gone bad."  The author, who espouses inter-religious dialogue, stated, “Our individual faith experiences need not be threatened by alternative worldviews, but rather our experience of God deepens when we become more inclusive in our thinking.”