Wofford Arboretum South Campus

78.American Yellowwood



Tree Details Hardiness zone: 4 – 8 Height: 30 – 50 Spread: 40 – 55 Habit: Usually a low-branching tree with a broad, rounded crown of delicate branches Light: Full sun Soil: Well-drained soil preferable; likes high pH; usually found in limestone-rich environments Flowers: white, fragrant, 1 – 1 1/4 long in pendulous panicles in May to early June Fruit: brown pod; 4 – 6 seeded; matures in October; Landscape use: Excellent shade tree for small properties; can be used as a specimen tree or in groupings; History: Native range is North Carolina to Kentucky and Tennessee, also South Carolina and Georgia; nowhere very common; introduced in 1812 Pests\Problems: None serious Significant Features: Beautiful flowers and foliage;