Just My Opinion With Spiritual Studd & M.t.

Toxic Masculinity and 2020 is Coming!



Hey fam, So much is going on that this show lasted for almost an hour. We are quite sure that there are those who are questioning their political choices now. Are we entering the age of "The Handmaid's Tale?" For many of us, the answer is yes. But enough of that. We discuss the dangers that transgender females face when revealing their truth. Many in our community face dangers but I think we fail to consider the ins and outs of life as a transgender individual. M.T. tells a story that she read and you can feel the transgender female's fear.  Yes, 2020 is coming and if we did not pay attention before, I hope that we are now. The United States is certainly not as United as it once was and the desire to be in a certain time when certain people were in control is obvious. We hope that everyone takes the opportunity to use their vote in 2020. We always thank you for listening and if you'd like, the video is available on YouTube. The link is below. https://youtu.be/RWRE96VBPnA Light & Love: SS & MT