Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

Local Business Hibiscus Cheesecake Elexirs Owner Tanya Jenkins



What's Up #Diamonds, I'm back live with a new show and new guest! We see local businesses everyday how often do you patronize them and show your #support? You do know that they are the backbone of this country without them and the working middle class the rich wouldn't get richer and the poor would not have a lot of the free benefits that this country offers them. Adding to that without you listening this show would not have been here for almost two years now and I cannot say #Thankyou enough. Monday local business Owner Tanya Jenkins is serving it #sweet with her business Hibiscus Cheesecake Elixirs with a name like that you're already expecting a treat for your taste buds. Baking is not as easy as it looks and to make beautiful cakes that look and taste wonderful you must have some skills and Tanya's bringing hers! Lately I've seen quite a few cupcake's and sweet bakes shops popping up and are becoming a new trend in tongue teasers. I've seen some of the craziest ingredients on cupcakes most recently baco