Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

Happy New Year Kicking Off the New Year w/Indie Artist Steve Cohen



What's Up Diamonds, I started this year with so many exciting ideas now I have to find the time to implement them that's going to be my big challenge.  I hope you all enjoyed your holiday! I know I did it never fails its seems when you take the time off to get things done only 10% of them you actually accomplish. Vacation is over and I am glad to be back in the studio with you all and telling you about my month. I would love to hear about yours too call me. I hope you're ready to listen cause I'm ready to talk to you and thank you for returning and tuning in. Finding good music can be difficult at times, not everyone has the "it" factor like my first guest of 2016 #IndieArtist, #DiamondDelight Steve Cohen. I am looking forward to interviewing him talking about his music and passion for writing. Steve has been on of my #DiamondDelights promos for almost a year now I think it's time to meet the voice behind the music. I love getting to know my guest beit music or business owners because it allows you to lear