Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

The Lina and Brian Hour Premier



What's Up #Diamonds, I guess you already know I'm excited? In case you don't know I'll say it "I'm very excited" about my latest project having a Co-Host to host a show with me. I know that you will enjoy it as much as my other episodes and projects maybe even a little bit more. Either way its your support that keeps me going that undying loyalty is what I love about the DiamondNetwork and I Thank You in advance for listening. I've known Comedian Brian T. Shirley now a little over a year we met in social media which is where I meet just about all my guest and #social friends. We hit it off from the gate with good conversation, laughter and honesty I believe those are all good ingredients for a friendship. Brian has his own show called "BTS On The Road" where he video tapes trips to his comedy gigs. If you want to find out more about Brian Shirley check out his YouTube Channel.  I had been looking for a Co-Host to help me with the show and he was a good fit for me I think..... lol. Brian will be co-hosting w