Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

Interview with Author Steven DeSalvo



What's Up #Diamonds! Here we are together again for a new episode of the show, I hope you enjoy what you hear on all the shows. I know there are times when you can't listen live so I appreciate those times when you listening to my podcast during your lunch, workout or just relaxing. It is your support that keeps the show going. If you are reading this from Blog Talk radio please click on the "follow" button on the left to receive a friendly notification every time a new show is posted I would appreciate it. Thank you in advance for your #support. Monday's show my guest with be Author Steven DeSalvo who I met on The BingBing network we will be talking about his book  "Evolve" and it's all about relationships. Not just husband & wife or girlfriend and boyfriend this book focuses on relationship amongst siblings, parents you know stuff like that. On Monday I will be asking him about these types of relationships, questions like how do you begin the healing process when you can't get pass the hurt. Tune in a