Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

Lina and Brian Hour Having Big Fun



What's up #LBDiamonds, Now we have our own #hashtag that's super cool! Thank you all for checking in with us make sure you subscribe to the #LJDNShow so you will get a notification of when the Lina & Brian Hour show times. This may be a little late coming but it's here now that's all that matters. Brian is the one that picks the guest for this show predominately I'm kind of the behind the scenes person doing all the other stuff. He knows lots of folks and Monday's show we will be interviewing another one of the "Indie show biz people", we will be talking to Comedian/Actress Sheilah Smiley. Sheilah has a lot going on and we'll hear all about it on Monday's show so tune in. As for me and Brian? We'll be chit chatting about regular stuff ..... what's been going on with his on the road show and I'll share what's happened or happening in the #DiamondNetwork! We always have such great conversations together. Feel free to call in and let us know how we are doing, we would love to hear from you my studio line