Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

Talent In 10 Project Ep.12



What's Up #Diamonds, Thank you for checking in on another episode of the LJDNShow! I am always excited to know you are there giving me your #support via listening or sharing the shows post on your social media outlets. Hey can you do me a favor while your here and subscribe to this show that way you will automatically get an update message about with a link that will take you directly into the show to see updated ads and photos on this site. All of your support is appreciated, due to a system crash and lose of recent graphics advertisement were posted late, I apologize and the situation is being taken care of. On this episode of Talent In 10 I will be doing something a little different, no  Indie films because I will be interviewing the multi-talented Steven Stech II. Monday on Talent In 10 my guest with be Indiana Dream Basketball Player and Hip Hop Rap Artist Steven Stech II also know as "That By Clippa". I interviewed in back in 2014 #nice, there has been a lot going in his life since then his personal f