Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

Lina and Brian Hour with guest Comedian Tukute



What's Up #Diamonds! Welcome to another episode of the Lina & Brian Hour! This is the show where you have the opportunity to meet #Indie entertainers throughout the US thanks to my #socialbud Comedian Brian T. Shirley. Thank you for letting us into your lives and spending an hour of your time with us join us we have a blast here every third Monday of the month with Brian and all his #IndieWood friends. Brian has the some of the koolest friends I'm pretty sure when they get together its nothing but good times and misbehaving all out of fun! This week you and I will be meeting another one of his Comedian friends Tukute. I know isn't the way she spelled her name to cute.... did you get it, if you’re a little slow it's ok... just look at it again and you will. Tukute will be joining us talking about what's new with her and her career as a comedian and of course there will be lots and lots of laughter. I mean what else can you expect when you share a show with a couple of comedians right..I hope you can join