Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

#LJ Morning Sparkle Tuesday Show



What's up Diamonds, Ready for another 4 days of DiamondDelight music? I hope you are enjoying the music as much as I am we have new artist in the loop they will be coming soon all you have to do is keep listening. By the way thank you for listening and downloading I do appreciate it please stop by and visit the artist websites, Reverb, Spotify, SoundCloud and YouTube sites and don't forget to checkout the LJDNShow's DiamondDelights page for updates about our Diamond Indie Stars. The #DiamondNetworkAward trophy should be on display sometime this week posted throughout all of my social media sites look out for it and be ready to vote. There will be no more trophy's for Most Popular Interview until further notice. If you know someone that makes #awesome music have them send me an mp3 or wav so I can check it out it might qualify for free promotions here on the show. We are open for sponsor radio advertisement spots and ad advertisements to find out more email: Otherwise I will see you