Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

Express Yourself SuperBowl Sunday Venting



 What’s up Diamonds, How are you hope your weekend is going good and everyone’s ready for Super Bowl Sunday! The DiamondNetwork DiamondAward is on its way that means it time to vote this year I've done things a little bit different this year there will be no award for "Most Popular Interview. Letting that award go also freed up a little more money to put towards the "Social Media Most Popular Vote" DiamondDelight Award.  Let me clarify that I am no one’s mgr nor do receive proceeds from their music sales, everything I do for them is done for free. I do all of this at my own expense there are no donations, I love what I do. Monday's show is an "Express Yourself" show I did show like this about a year ago for the presidential election I have not done one since. Monday night I'll have a couple of diehard Pittsburgh Steeler fans that I happened to over hear one of them talking about the Patriots and he was not happy, so I asked him if he wanted to vent openly about it and he was more than happy to talk.  It see