Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

#LJ Morning Sparkle Truthful Tuesday



What's up #Diamonds, I called this on "Truthful Tuesday" why because it sounds good let's be honest about something even if it is just that one thing we will be honest about all week. Although we should not lie because lying is not a good thing. I find that people lie all the time even when it’s not necessary this has come to be the nation or world for that matter of lies sometimes it’s as though you don't know who to trust who to believe anymore. Hello! Welcome to my week, so far, the week has been off to a good start, I have a few minor audio problems on last night’s show but got through them, worked them out and had a fantastic show. My co-host for the evening "Jay" did an excellent job and was able to express himself along with 6 other callers... Yep! That's right I had callers that was like too good to be true are you kidding me, I have listeners but know callers I tell you callers help pass the time and I know each of you know that you can call me... That's right call me anytime. don't let me have to