Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

#LJ Morning Sparkle Wednesday Hump De Dump Dump Dump



What's up Diamonds, It is the morning of the Hump! And what a glorious day it is going to be get inspired come on, its the middle of the week y'all.. I know you've been kinda slumping all week barely making it through the day.. after the initial coffee high its all been down hill the rest of the day so Wake Up! It's #humpday time to look forward to the weekend coming. By this time the DOW should be normalizing,, (mind you I am writing this on Monday night) so if I am right about today #dude I am really something #special I mean in the good way. Hey did you know I need your music? That's right I am always looking for good Independent Artist music I have a lot but I need more to feed the demand so if you know somebody that makes good music have them send me their mp3 or wav so I can check it out. Make sure you only send me the folks that want to be promoted for free because #realtalk there is some serious exposure going on this show in the am... Have them send it to  The easiest way is to