Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

Interview with Comedian Michael Statham



What’s up #Diamonds, This is the week for love and you all will know Wednesday is officially #ValentineDay I will be celebrating it with you on Wednesday on the #LJMorningSparkle show playing love songs for that special day. Well, I hope you all had a very good weekend mines started a little razzeled but ended on a peaceful note and the weather was beautiful little cloudy but still #nice. It’s kind of odd having a comedian on the show this Monday being in the week for Valentines and a week where I usually talk about romance and things of that kinds of stuff. Comedians usually joke about romantic things and romance in general. Maybe we can get some romantic punch lines from my guest Comedian Michael Statham he will be on live  tomorrow night, so we will have some laughs and hopefully get around to talking about what he usually does on Valentine's Day romance is in the air this week I think.  We’ll see either way I would like you to join us Monday night 7 PM EST 6 PM CST and 4 PM PST. Don’t forget to check m