Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

#LJMorningSparkle #ThrowBackThursday



What's up #Diamonds, Good Morning #Diamonds! Now that the evening of romance is over time to get back to reality but don't worry its only one more day before the weekend. I sure hope my cold is gone by then I don't want to be sick another weekend. Have you pulled out that retro outfit yet? I'm still waiting for someone to send me a picture of them in one someday someone will maybe not today enjoy the show.  This is week 2 of Black History week in the month of "Love" because Wed is V-day I will be saying something all week about love, relationships you know all that stuff. Check me out at your work and in your car or on social media this week and say "Hello". Only 1 more week left to vote for your favorite social media DiamondDelight for the #DiamondMusicAward 2017 in case you did not get the link here you go I am always looking for music if you know and Independent artist looking for some free promo have them send their music to: Would you like