Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

Lina Jones Morning Sparkle #Humpday



What's up Diamonds, Welcome to #Humpday Wednesday the middle of my week, How is your week going? Today is the last day February and today will be my last reading from those two books " For Men Only and For Women Only by Shaunti and Jeff Feldhahn  have been reading snippet out of.   Don't worry March is coming and so is my 4th Anniversary show I will be celebrating all month I hope you tune in with me to celebrate. Next week the show will be playing podcast of the show from March 5th Tues- Friday, March 9th I will be on vacation but will be back live on the morning show on March the 13th, 2018. Don't forget to check out the LJDNShow's website for March updates. Also, don't forget to vote this month for the winner of the 2017 LJ DiamondNetwork Music Award. Here is the new link find out who our top 5 are here is the new link I'll see you on the networks.  Got music? Send your mp3's or wav's to Lina