Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

Lina Jones Morning Sparkle #throwbackThursday



What's up Diamonds, It's #Throwback Thursday I think the throwback days should be official #fashion days this time a choose and fashion from the 60's which seems to be when all the changes in America started although in the 70's it kind of exploded... anyway somebody got it wrong because the children are all messed up in the head. Anyway, today is the 1st day of March and spring is in the air! It is also the kick off of my shows 4th Anniversary I will be celebrating all month I hope you tune in with me to celebrate. Next week the show will be playing podcast of the show from March 5th Tues- Friday, March 9th I will be on vacation but will be back live on the morning show on March the 13th, 2018. Don't forget to check out the LJDNShow's website for March updates. Also, don't forget to vote this month for the winner of the 2017 LJ DiamondNetwork Music Award. Here is the new link find out who our top 5 are here is the new link I'll see you on the networks.  Got music?