Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

Memory Monday a Lil Live & a Lil Podcast



What’s up Diamonds, How is everyone doing? Ready to start a new week, in this new year in the month of March. I hope all of you are staying warm and cozy some places here in the US and abroad are having the most horrible weather the snow seems to be nonstop. But I’m here to tell ya, that it won’t be very long now summer is coming, old man winter has only a few more weeks to go and as usual, he’s going to leave kicking and screaming.  This is #MemoryMonday if you don’t remember what Memory Mondays are here's a refresh it is the show where I mix a podcast with a live recording of what I think was a good #interview this Monday will be my interview with Laird Oli (DiamondDelight).  Lord knows I’ve had a bunch of not so good ones and it’s not so much because of the guest as it was me having some type of issue with my audio #murphyslaw.  I think you’re going to enjoy our conversation do you know when the music is going to be good? Laird does, so join me Monday, July 7 PM EST right here on Blogtalk radio it's a Li