Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

LJ Morning Sparkle #TruthfulTuesday



What's up #Diamonds Welcome to week 2 of my show's 4th year Anniversary! I cannot believe this but it snow here in Virginia last night I kinda thought we were away from the snow in Virginia it being March and all but I guess I was wrong.  Well good morning and welcome to the show this is just one of 4 I'll have for you this week today is #TruthfulTuesday the day when I share my #truth with you all a #truth can be almost anything (nothing too deep) just something short you want to confess that people may or may not know about you.  You can share your truth with me by putting #mytruth in the subject line of an email then telling me what your truth is and I will read it to the Diamonds the next time the LJ Morning Sparkle show comes on you can send it to I hope you enjoy the show I have 1 new artist and some new songs to play for you today, this new artist is actually a band the name of the band is called "Right On Band" they are here in Va.  Initially, they are a cover band but they made