Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

Lina Jones Morning Sparkle #HumpDay



What's up Diamonds, Are you ready for #humpday Wednesday, #wowingout Wednesday's I just heard that one the other day. Either way, it represents the middle of the work week and that means we are almost there that's the most important part. What's also just as important is that you joining me on the show tomorrow come on, don't leave me hanging all by myself I need my Diamonds don't you know you put the "S" in "Sparkle" and the "D" in "Diamond" have I laid it on you strong enough that's right break out the boots... All jokes aside this Wednesday and every Wednesday from here on I am going to be #kickinitkountry (my newest hashtag) if you like upbeat, contemporary and modern country music ... here is where you want to be on  Wednesdays at 9am EST. By the way I just realized this evening that I forgot my #TuesdayTruth again (I'll get this right soon) ok its ( I don't like the taste of buffalo sauce) you know how people smoother their wings with buffalo sauce and you eat it anyway, cause your hungry and don't w