Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

LJ Morning Sparkle TGIF #Freakinweekin



What's up Diamonds, Ok, there it is #finallyfriday #TGIF #followbackfriday  and my favorite its the #freakinweekin #Diamonds time to stop all the madness going on all week and focus on relaxing (if you can) and having some #fun. I think the weather just might give us a break here in Va for the weekend so it might not be so bad for shopping or just hanging out with friends and family. My weekends mostly always start out as a working weekend, Sunday's I really try not to work in order to show #respect to my God and honor his commandment but lots of times I fail and have to ask his forgiveness, aren't we blessed to have #grace not by our works but because Jesus loves us. Today's music will be upbeat happy and danceable.... yes! I hope you enjoy it as much as I will enjoy playing it for you this morning. If time permits I would love to check your Twitter quotes you guys tweet awesome quotes. Don't forget to vote after Sunday there will only be 1 week left before our 2017 DiamondDelight music winner is chosen.