Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

LJ Morning Sparkle #TruthfulTuesday



What's up #Diamonds,  Good Morning! What a good to sparkle, smile and shine just in case you didn't get your Monday off to an #awesome start we now have Tuesday, Truthful Tuesday that is it is a day to come to terms with a truth in your life a day of short confessions admitting things about yourself that maybe others notice but just don't say anything to you about it. A day of likes and dislikes that what #TruthfulTuesday on the #DiamondNetwork means. What's my truth I will try and share a simple truth with you even though I haven't seen your truth yet.... I am still waiting, it doesn't have to be anything big just something simple. Join me for chit-chat, tea and music for about an hour this morning I'll be looking for ya. By the way, this is your last week to vote for the LJ 2017 DiamondDelight Music Awards.. by next Monday it will be all over.  See you on the networks. Lina J