Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

LJ Morning Sparkle #TGIF #freakinweekin



What's up Diamonds, Out of all the days of the week I love Friday's a couple of reasons for this is #1 It is the start of the weekend (days off) so if you didn't get it done by Friday you'll have to save it for Monday. Monday's are a better because your refreshed  after having the weekend off.  #2 You've got 2 days to do whatever you want to do! If you want to sleep all day you can (provided you don't have any children), take a short trip a weekend getaway Friday means its just beginning. #3 Spend time with friends or family without having to leave cause you have to go to work in the morning, that also applies to get togethers and party's. I'm sure there are more but those for me is the top 3, For the Sparkle show it means up beat get up and go music promotions and I've got plenty here, so join me  this morning at 9am EST.  Tomorrow is you last day to vote for your favorite artist to win the 2017 DiamondNetwork Music Awards. Join me on Monday when my host will be the Real Cold Cash he will be announcing