Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

Memory Monday w/Ashley J Interview/Mini's Talk on Easter Bunny



What’s up Diamonds, Welcome spring! It was so good to see the flowers blooming cherry blossoms blooming on the trees and everyone in bright beautiful colors for the spring I hope you are enjoying your spring weather and hope you had a fabulous Easter Sunday I am certainly enjoying mine I love the sunshine. We are now in the 4 months of a new April in 2018  this is the month of awareness for me that means being aware of things I don't fully understand maybe this is the month to find it out.  For some folks that can be difficult I know because I've been there, for instance, did you know that being more aware can help you make better choices in life? Yep, it can, it can also break down fear barriers which can help you physically grow.  Monday's show is about Easter I know it will be a day late but it’s closer to Easter today than it would have been last Monday. I have a treat for you it is my Memory Monday well back in 2016 I did an interview with Ashley Jay who had just moved to California she was so excited