Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

Lina Jones Morning Sparkle #throwbackThursday



What's up Diamonds, Today is #throwbackthursday I like this day because I get to post (you hear me) post different era of fashion that I find attractive unfortunately I don't have the type of wardrobe where I have all the different styles but I can post and live vicariously through my postings. This week I am going to the 1940's where for me the clothing for women represented strength, femininity, and beauty. The makeup says yes I am beautiful but don't mess with me, did you know it was recognized as 2nd wave of women movement, for men, it was the zoot suit era baggy legs and bright colors.  It was during an error when marriages where quick due to world war II and dear John letters were sent on a regular from women not wanting to wait around and a time when the US was just coming out of a depression. Most importantly it was the year of the Pearl Harbor attack if you haven't seen the movie you should cause you gotta know where you came from to know where you are going.  Well I don't have 40's music that's f