Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

Lina Jones Morning Sparkle Show #TGIF



What's up Diamonds, Well, I did not have to attend jury duty today #luckyme right... However, I am still on call all month woohoo! You never know maybe I'll get a good case something exciting that I'll be able to write a book about later... could I be so lucky. Today is the beginning of the weekend Friday brings all hope for a good weekend and hopefully #Diamonds yours will be #supergroovy! As for me well I plan on seeing a play tonight I am looking forward to that and of course catching up on work from this week and for next week. Monday nights show 4/09/18 will be a podcast I will make sure I put something you will enjoy in my place I will be back Tuesday Morning for #Truthful Tuesday but make sure you hand around this mourning as I try to get your day #pumpedup and I will see you in the networks.  Remember if you miss any of the shows you can hear the podcast on any of these internet radio websites: iTunes, Spreaker and (Spreaker Alexa, YouTube