Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

LJ Morning Sparkle #TruthfulTuesday



What's up Diamonds, Welcome to another Tuesday Morning... Have you ever shopped there? I just luv that store! If you don't know what it is you have got to google it. I hoped you enjoyed the podcast on last night as you can see if you listened to Brian T Shirley and I had fun together, parting was #bittersweet. Nowaday's he has moved on to bigger things in his acting career and I do wish him much success. Well, week number two and so far I have not been called in to jury duty yet so I can have a live show today, today is truthful Tuesday share or admit a #truth about yourself  it can be private or public as long as you admit it, it can be good or bad doesn't matter as long as you admit it. I'm not sure whether my truth will be public or private today.... I guess I will know in time for the show. Join me this morning at 9:00pm EST and thank you so much for listening I really appreciate it.  See you in the networks if you miss the show don't worry you can listen to any one of these internet stations: iTunes h