Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

Talent In 10 April Awareness 2018



What’s up Diamonds, I hope you are enjoying this beautiful gorgeous spring weekend, I know I am I had a chance to get out the house this weekend and do some shopping at my favorite store yes… I am a #Macysgirl. I went to Macy’s and got myself in just a little bit of trouble not too much say about $125 worth which for a person like me on a strict budget like mine, that's a lot but the point is I enjoyed myself I went alone just cruising to the store taking forever to make up my mind  but you know how that is. I ended up with two lovely shirts and the third one for a birthday present for an associate.  We have been seeing April awareness postings all around the social network, everything from cancer to lupus to autism. Last Monday night on #CoffeeTalk I spoke about anxiety something that I personally deal with, and this Monday I have a piece from you for you from Ted X talks on autism. This lady Vicky Shanks I have to give her a lot of credit she has 7 girls 1 boy and all of them were diagnosed with autism wi