Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

April Awareness Discoid Lupus Its Personal



 What’s up diamonds, Well, we made it to the fourth month of 2018 this is the last Monday in April glass and the show has been promoting Awareness on everything from illnesses to diseases to whatever we needed to be aware of. I say that jokingly but illnesses no matter what kind is not a joke.  God knows who the strong ones are, it takes a strong person to handle this every day to face people who will stare at her or completely distance themselves away from them because they are afraid of what they don't know.   Monday night I will be talking about discoid lupus it is something that has affected my whole family on my oldest daughter. She was not born with that disease neither did she have it during her elementary or high school years, she was diagnosed with this in her adult years after she was married. This is something she actually been wanting for a while to bring an awareness to discoid lupus as we got closer to the date she began to be more hesitant on putting a picture of what discoid lupus has done t