Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

LJ Morining Sparkle #TruthfulTuesday



What's Up #Diamonds, Welcome, Truthful Tuesday the day to be honest with yourself about something and if it's not good confessing it is always the first step to fixing it and if its good #kudos to you as long as your not too vain about it. For me, it always seems to go left even when I am trying to make it right.  This is the week right before Mother's Day and it seems all any woman truly wants is a good night peaceful sleep basically some rest, the other half just wants to be around her family for the day. Sometimes that can be difficult when you have older children that have their own lives with lots of things going on. Nailing everyone down at the same time can be the most challenging at least that is what I find being a mom with older children or "ie" young adults. Everyone is just so busy... for me, I don't need all day just a few hours with everyone together would work.  You will be hearing me talk about moms all week so just be prepared after all its #Mothersday week, join me in the morning at 9:00a