Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

LJ Morining Sparkle #Throwback Thursday



What's up Diamonds, Welcome to #throwback Thursday's  I pick a date (year) and look at the style and if anything special happened that year. Today I chose 1967 I'd like to think that was the year when "gettin funkay" but it was not folks have been "gettin funkay" before 1967.  That was the year of the first transplant and the first ATM the Greenbay Packers vs Kansas was in the Superbowl and gas was 33 cents per gallon. The middle east of Isreal went to war with Syria it was called the 6-day war and other cool stuff. War has been going on throughout the centuries and is not going to change... but there is no war going on in the DiamondNetwork just #love and #peace so join me and get some too this morning at 9:00am EST for some good music. If you miss it don't worry listen on podcast just copy and paste one of the links below into a browser.  See ya in the networks Lina J iTunes, Spreaker and (Spreaker Alexa, YouTube