Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

#Podcast Exploring natural skin care



What's up Diamonds, One more week to go till my June 4th launch I hope you enjoyed the show last Monday back a few years ago I did 2 hr shows which were not very fun when a guest did not show up. I struggled to find fillers but now, I have no problem finding fillers and I don't even let it bother me anymore when a guest does not show up it's actually a loss for the guess because they missed an opportunity for some free advertisement.  I know my philosophy during that time and now is "if its free it's for me but that's me".... anyways... the show you will be hearing Monday night is also a 2 hour show so hold out for the whole 2 hours because Candice has some really good skin care products and is very knowledgeable about her products.  As for me, I have been keeping very busy preparing for the June 4th show and my project relaunch, I should an advertisement video ready by Tuesday so be sure to look out. Also, I apologize for Thursday and Friday morning podcast for the LJ Morning Sparkle. I completely forgot t