Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

CoffeeTalk Time Summer July 2018



 What’s up Diamonds, Welcome to July, is it hot enough for you yet? I know I’m dying over here and what feels like 1000° temperatures. I hope you find ways to keep yourself cool during those crazy hot days one thing I do to remedy the heat is put a cold washcloth in a sandwich bag and keep it in the refrigerator, it always helps me to cool down hot days,  It’s actually pretty cool you should try sometimes if you wanted those people they get hot a lot like me. Last month CoffeeTalk did not happen because I had unexpected guests that came that occupied my Monday's so it kept being pushed back. However, it will be back Monday, July 7th and I will be talking about scams. Different types of scams you may not be aware of and because you’re not aware of them you might walk into them especially while out spending your vacation money. I’m also going to ask and answer the question: is Amazon prime worth having I’ve used it and I’ve had it let’s see what the experts have to say about Amazon prime. And the last thing I