Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

LJ Morning Sparkle Life Improvement #4



What's up Diamonds, Today we will be finishing the book of Job with some useful lessons we all will have learned and are ready to share them others. Job has quite a few chapters and although I did not read them all, I think I've made a pretty good comparison to our today's real-life situations. You may not have everything happen to you at the same time as my character. Maybe you've just experienced 1 or 2 of his/her issues or even something different. My point is we all go through things that may appear life-changing good or bad, why they happen? One of the reasons is so we can keep prayer alive if you're praying God is not staying because prayer and God work hand in hand just like cereal and milk it's just that simple. So get your #prayer on remember it doesn't really matter where or when you pray as long as you do it.  Lina Jones