Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

LJ Morning Sparkle "Nehemiah" part 1



What's up Diamonds,   Welcome to a new episode of the LJ Morning Sparkle; this is the week that we start up with the book of Nehemiah. Nehemiah was kind of like an architect but most of all he was a praying man. He had a love for the Jewish people and love for his hometown community. Nehemiah is not only a book of unshakeable faith it is a book about community, unity, togetherness along with prayer and faith it is a book that shows what people can do to help their communities by unity.  By coming together through prayers and actions we can help improve or keep up our hometown communities. Some people don't have the time to do the actions all the time, but we can always pray.  Join me this morning as I start my interpretation of the book of Nehemiah I hope you enjoy it, and I thank you in advance for listening. Have you seen the advertisement for the LJ Express yourself show? It’s a new show coming soon. The show is absolutely free and you can enjoy yourself over the radio air lines, self-expression can be a