Hiroshima University's English Podcast

やさしい英語会話 (307) Karaoke Is Fun



Download MP3 カラオケは、日頃のストレス解消のみならず、英語の上達にも大変効果的です。でも、あの騒音がムリという人もいるかも知れませんね。今回の会話では、そんなうるさいカラオケルームの中で、女性がとんでもない聞き違えをしてしまいます。教科書ではお目にかかれない生きたスラングが満載の会話です。 *** It's a Good Expression *** (今回の重要表現) a bit 少し (to) grab を取る、素早く食べる(飲む) (to) go out with 〜とデートする (a) chick (俗語・使用注意)=a girl dude (米俗)お前、あんた straight (俗語)=heterosexual, not gay elsewhere ここじゃないどこかで (to) score (俗語)(女性を)モノにする ***Script*** Karaoke is Fun (Scene: Karaoke room-noisy) M: I'll go out for a bit and buy some drinks. W: What? M: I said I'm going out to grab some drinks. W: Wait, you want to go out with sexy chicks? M: (didn't hear well) Yeah, I am. Want to come with me? W: Of course not, dude! I have perfectly fine guys right here. I don't need chicks. M: (misheard) Oh OK. You sure you don't want me to get you anything? W: Please. I'm straight. (leaves then gets back) W: You bought drinks? Why didn't you ask me if I wanted anything? M: I did! Twice! You said you didn't want anything. W: But I thought you went out to look