Hiroshima University's English Podcast

超濃縮!やさしい英語会話 (19) Heartache



Download MP3 8月の4週間は、恒例の「超濃縮!やさしい英語会話」です。この10年間に配信した310本の「やさしい英語会話」よりエピソードを厳選し、毎回4本分を濃縮してお届けします。ナチュラルスピードの会話をスクリプトとともにお楽しみください。今回は、出会いや恋など、人とのほろ苦い交わりにまつわるエピソードを集めました。*** Script *** [ (275) Meeting People Can Be Nerve-wracking ] M: Hey, Alex, do you think I should I wear this blue tie or the green? W: Neither. They don't match. Hey, how aren't you ready yet? I thought guys were supposed to get ready BEFORE girls. M: Well, I don't know what's happening tonight. I don't know who we're meeting with, or where we're meeting them, and I don't know how formal it's supposed to be. I'm trying to dress appropriately, so don't rush me! W: Awww, are you nervous? That's adorable. M: Let me concentrate! ... Okay, I think I look good. W: Awesome! So, can we go now? M: Uhh.. Yeah, I guess… W: That doesn't sound very confident. M: Yeah, it's just, it sounds like there's going to be a big group of people. W: It's only a couple of drinks. M: Yeah, but what if they don't want me to be a part of their group? Or, wha