Hiroshima University's English Podcast

超濃縮!やさしい英語会話 (21) Improving Language Skills



Download MP3 8月の4週間は、恒例の「超濃縮!やさしい英語会話」です。この10年間に配信した310本の「やさしい英語会話」よりエピソードを厳選し、毎回4本分を濃縮してお届けします。ナチュラルスピードの会話をスクリプトとともにお楽しみください。最終回となる今回は、ことばにまつわるエピソードを集めました。*** Script *** [ (210) Tongue Twisters ] F: Boy, this food line is pretty long. Hey, I have a magazine on me. You can read it while we wait. M: OK. Hmm… looks like a kid's magazine… Hmm, yeah. (Mumbling quickly to himself.) Peter Piper picked a pick… hmmm. A peck of pickled peppers. Peter piper picked a peck of peckled… GAhhh! F: Michihiro… what are you doing? What are you muttering about? M: I don't understand what on Earth this magazine is talking about. First, it was talking about seashells, then a woodchuck, and now pickles! F: Oh, those are different sets of tongue twisters, Michihiro. M: Tongue twisters? What are those? F: I'm pretty sure most languages have them. It's a game to see if you can say or repeat a short funny phrase without messing it up. M: Oh, I DO know those! These ones are hard though. F: They're fun. Here, I'll read on