Hiroshima University's English Podcast

文化警察24時 (26) 密造酒はご法度!(日本)



Download MP3 今回の「文化警察24時」の舞台は日本。海外では自家醸造(home-brewing)が認められている国もあるようですが、日本では無許可でアルコール分1%以上の高いお酒を作ることはご法度。それでも「世界に一つのビールを自分で作りたい!」と、法律の範囲内で低アルコールのビール作りを楽しむ人々もいるようです。 「文化警察24時」は、少し英語が苦手!という皆さんを対象にした、長さもレベルも聞きやすい番組です。しっかり聞いて、しっかり声に出して練習してみましょう。*** Script *** Culture Cops (26): In Japan Trev and Val discuss their own reasons as to why it may be illegal for home-brewed alcohol in Japan to be stronger than 1% alcohol. Trev: Hey, what's up, Val? Val: Oh, not much. My shift just ended so I'm getting ready to head home. You? Trev: Same. I'm ready to go home and eat. Random question for you, though. You know that old Japanese law that says home-brewed alcohol must be below 1% alcohol? Why do you think that is? Val: Hmm, that's a good question. Perhaps it's to try to keep people from selling alcohol without a proper liquor license? Trev: Oh, that's an interesting idea. I mean what's the point of drinking anything with such a low alcohol percentage? Val: I guess the fun is in the process of making it? Trev: