Hiroshima University's English Podcast

文化警察24時 (27) ジェラートで罰金!?(イタリア)



Download MP3 今回の「文化警察24時」の舞台はイタリア・ローマ。ジェラートを片手に古代ローマの遺跡めぐり…と聞くと憧れてしまいますが、ローマでは立ち止まっての飲食が禁止されている場所があるようです。 「文化警察24時」は、少し英語が苦手!という皆さんを対象にした、長さもレベルも聞きやすい番組です。しっかり聞いて、しっかり声に出して練習してみましょう。   *** Script *** Culture Cops (27): In Italy Trev stops a woman who is eating in public at a location of historical significance in Rome, Italy. It is illegal to eat at some historical or artistic areas as to not ruin them with crumbs or litter. Trev: Excuse me, ma'am. I'm going to have to ask you to eat the gelato within the designated cones. Right now, you're a little too close to the Colosseum. W: I'm sorry, officer; I'm just about finished so I'll throw it away once I'm done. Trev: I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to ask you to throw it away now, or move into the cones. Roman law now states that you can't eat anything within a certain distance of historical landmarks as crumbs or droppings could ruin the historical integrity. W: I understand. I'll go over to the cones. Even though there are a lot of other people out