Hiroshima University's English Podcast

やさしい英語会話 (314) Life Is Tough for Girls, Too



Download MP3 最近いろいろとさえないという女性。朝、ジムに行く途中に彼女の身に起こった出来事とは…?以前、Life Is Tough for Menというエピソードをお届けしましたが、男も女もつらいのです…。  *** It's a Good Expression *** (今回の重要表現) (I'm) not (going to) let anything get me down. 何事にも落ち込んだりしない ※「何事も私を落ち込ませたりはしない」 the Student Plaza 学生プラザ(広島大学内の施設) ※番組中で説明されているtheの用法がポイント。 bruise(s) 打ち傷、打撲 I was bleeding internally. 体内で出血していた (to) skip (日々やっていることを)1回飛ばす、サボる treadmill ルームランナー 〜, I reckon? 〜だと思うんだけど? And WHAT actually did you hurt? それで本当のところ、一体どこを傷つけたの? (to) have a crush on〜 (人)に熱を上げる、一目惚れする clingy くっついて離れない *** Script *** Life Is Tough for Girls, Too W: I don't know what's wrong with me these days. M: What happened? W: This morning I told myself I'm going to try and be happy and not let anything *get me down. A few minutes later, I fell! M: What? How? Where did you fall? W: Right across from *the Student Plaza when I was about to go left. Ha ha. To think: I was on the way to the gym! M: Were you hurt? Any *bruises? W: Yeah. I think I was *bleeding internally. M: That'