Hiroshima University's English Podcast

やさしい英語会話 (315) Halloween: Saijo Zombie Apocalypse



Download MP3 Happy Halloween! 明日はいよいよハロウィン。そんな中、広島大学に突如ゾンビの軍団が出現!!逃げまどうサラとタケルの運命は…?   *** It's a Good Expression *** (今回の重要表現) (a) herd 群れ why on earth いったいどうして a bunch of たくさんの frickin' いまいましい ※いわゆるf-wordの婉曲表現 barricade the door ドアを封鎖する secure the food and water supplies 食料と水を確保する get caught in between 間に挟まれ(て逃げられなくな)る pass out 気絶する feel sorry for を気の毒に思う chicken 臆病者 manage to do 何とか〜する (a) coincidence 偶然の一致 who turned Megumi in to "our people" 誰がメグミを「我々の仲間」に引き渡したか lure おびき出す Just succumb to your fate! さあ、運命に屈するのです! *** Script *** Halloween: Saijo Zombie Apocalypse M: Sarah, run fast! The *herd of zombies is slowly approaching towards Youme Town. We have to get there as quick as possible! W: Takeru, wait for me please! I don't know *why on earth Saijo is filled with *a bunch of zombies! Tell me this is a dream! M: Hey, I'm shocked too! Suddenly, the area was full of *frickin' zombies! W: Why are we running to Youme Town? Aren't there other options? M: It's the only strong, accessib