Hiroshima University's English Podcast

文化警察24時 (28) 文化警察の旅、これにて完了!



Download MP3 「文化警察24時」のシリーズも、いよいよ来月で最終回。TrevとValはすべての収録が終わって、早くもホッとしているようですね。Culture Cops (28): The Program Ends Trev and Val prepare for real life, as they’re about done recording the show. Trev: Val, you know, it’s so weird that after today, we’ll no longer have the cameras following us around everywhere. Val: I know what you mean, Trev. I’ve almost forgotten what this job was like when we first started! Trev: I’m definitely going to miss recording for the show, and all of the great people that we’ve met, but it’ll be nice to be able to do my job normally again without having to worry about if my mic is on, and whether my language is polite enough. Val: Definitely. It’s been a fun ride, but I’m ready to return to the job I originally fell in love with. I’m happy to say this isn’t the end of my recording career, but I still will have a lot of countries to go to and learn about their cultures! Trev: Yeah I know what you mean. Unfortunately, Captain thinks we work well together, so he’s ignoring my re