Hiroshima University's English Podcast

やさしい英語会話 (317) A Filipino Eating Habit



Download MP3 前回の韓国の温泉に引き続き、今回もアジアの身近な文化を覗いてみましょう。今回は、フィリピン人には欠かせない食文化のお話です。キーワードは"merienda"ですが、フィリピンの食文化にはどのような特徴があるのでしょうか。   *** It's a Good Expression *** (今回の重要表現) Jeez えー(不服を表す間投詞) you're not supposed to do 君は〜してはいけないことになっている mad 怒っている merienda フィリピンの間食 culturally insensitive 文化的に無神経な *** Script *** A Filipino Eating Habit Situation: A Japanese man and a woman from the Philippines are sitting in a classroom in Japan, waiting for the teacher to come and start class. W: Mmm… Cinnamon-raisin rolls, yum! Hey, Takuya, do you want one? M: (gasps) Kayla-Ann, what are you doing? W: Um, offering my friend food? These are nice rolls, too: from the bakery! Not just 7-11. M: Hey, we just had lunch a few hours ago! W: And…? Jeez, Takuya, you could've just said "No, thanks." M: Well, you're not supposed to be eating in here anyway! The teacher's going to be so mad when he sees you! W: What? Why? Knowing how late he always is, the class won't even start for another 15 minutes! M: Look around, Kayla-