Hiroshima University's English Podcast

文化警察24時 (29) [最終回] どのお話が楽しかった?



Download MP3 2年半にわたりお届けしてまいりました「文化警察24時」も、今回で最終回となりました。2016年6月の第1回で登場した二人が、すべてのエピソードを聞き終わった今、お気に入りの回について振り返ります。 来年は新しいシリーズが始まります。こちらの方も乞うご期待!Culture Cops (29): The Finale W: Hey! I just wanted to thank you for recommending that I listen to "Culture Cops." It was so cool and I learned a lot. Now I just can't wait to do some traveling of my own! M: Yeah the show really makes you want to go on a trip, doesn't it? I loved how it taught you so much about different cultures too. What was your favorite episode? W: Good question. Maybe the one about not bringing your Bible to the Maldives? I don't know, I really liked them all, but I thought that one was pretty funny. M: Oh yeah that was a good one! I don't think I have a favorite. They were all good. W: I just don't know what to do with my life now. M: What do you mean? W: Well, I just finished listening to the full series, and now I don't know what to do next. M: Ha ha. First World problems, am I right? (Written by Matteen Aminpour)