Hiroshima University's English Podcast

アメリカ★は愉快だ (2) さあ、いよいよ出国!



Download MP3 先月から始まった新シリーズ「アメリカ★は愉快だ」の第2回です。いよいよアメリカに出発する日を迎え、ちょっと落ち着かない様子のMomoとHiroです。 「アメリカ★は愉快だ」は、英語は上達したいけど少し苦手…という方々を対象にしたシリーズです。シャドウイングの練習もありますので、しっかり聞いて、しっかり声に出して練習してみましょう。  2: Departing and Nerves (Momo and Hiro) W: Yeah! Our flight from Hiroshima to Tokyo is done! Now we just need to get from Tokyo to San Francisco, and then San Francisco to Reno! M: “Just?” You say that as if it’s nothing. And anyway, how are you so hyper after pulling an all-nighter? W: I’m just so excited! I’ve never gone abroad before. Have you? M: Well, I’ve been to Hawaiʻi and Guam… But there were a lot of other Japanese tourists, and many things were in Japanese, so it wasn’t too hard. Plus, vacationing is much different than studying abroad... W: Aw, Hiro, are you nervous? M: Wha- me? Psh! No way! W: It’s OK to be nervous. Studying abroad-- living in another country-- is a big change! Hey, let’s go! We’ve got another plane to catch! (Written by Jazmin Boulton)