Hiroshima University's English Podcast

Joeのなるほど!英文法 (8) 映画でよく聞くスラング



Download MP3 1年ぶりの「Joeのなるほど!英文法」をお届けします。アメリカの映画につきものなのが、英語のスラング(俗語)表現。品のない表現もあり、使用には十分な注意が必要ですが、知識として知っておくだけでも、今のアメリカを感じることができるでしょう。   25 Slang Expressions Often Heard in Movies - to be a chicken - to have a big mouth - to be unreal - kudos to (someone) - to botch ~ up - What’s up? - dude - My bad. - Oh, Jesus Christ! - Oh, shit! - Blimey! - Oh, my goodness! - I’m beat - to hang out (with…) - wheels - to be amped to - to get/be busted - to have a blast - to have a crush on (someone) - to dump (someone) - (someone’s) ex - a geek - to be hooked on~ - to be into ~ - a chick flick Story 1 (A man is sitting in a movie theater) Oh, my goodness, what have I done!? This is a chick flick, and I don’t like them. Shit, with the prices of these movie tickets, they stole my money again. Oh, Jesus Christ! I’m gonna try to get my money back…. Um, excuse me, sir. I’m not really into these girly movies. Recently, I’m really hooked on action and violent movies! And I was really amped to see a good one this time. My