Hiroshima University's English Podcast

アメリカ★は愉快だ (3) 税関検査にご用心!



Download MP3 アメリカに到着し、税関検査を終えたMomoとHiro。でも、ちょっと問題が発生したようです。広島大学のある東広島市の名物ですが、持ち込みには注意が必要ですね。 「アメリカ★は愉快だ」は、英語は上達したいけど少し苦手…という方々を対象にしたシリーズです。シャドウイングの練習もありますので、しっかり聞いて、しっかり声に出して練習してみましょう。  *** Script *** 3: Customs Trouble (Momo and Hiro) (Written by Jazmin Boulton) W: UGH! I still can’t believe that the Customs officers confiscated all but one of my bottles of sake! M: I STILL can’t believe you didn’t read about American laws before packing… Oh, wait, I CAN believe it, because you never read anything you’re supposed to! W: It’s not MY fault that the law is stupid. I mean, come on, we’re only allowed to bring in ONE liter of alcohol?* M: Momo, why did you need to pack ten bottles of sake? It would take you months to drink all that! W: It wasn’t for me! They were supposed to be presents for Americans… We go to school in Saijo, how could I not bring sake as gifts? M: Japan has so many other wonderful things you could have brought as presents. Candy, chopsticks, even funny-flavored ramen... W: I b